Thursday, April 05, 2007

Romney Pulls A McCain

Romney Calls Himself a Longtime Hunter

BOSTON -- In boasting about his lifelong experience as a hunter, Mitt Romney may have shot himself in the foot.

The Republican presidential contender has told audiences on several occasions, most recently this week in gun-savvy -- and early voting -- New Hampshire, that he has been a longtime hunter. But it turns out he has been on only two hunting trips.

Critics said it was the latest example of a White House aspirant willing to say anything to reach the Oval Office.

[...] In a question-and-answer session Tuesday in Keene, N.H., Romney spoke of his experience with hunting in a manner that suggested a close affiliation with the sport.

"I purchased a gun when I was a young man. I've been a hunter pretty much all my life," he told a man sporting a National Rifle Association cap.

Yet the former Massachusetts governor's hunting experience came during two trips at the bookends of his 60 years: as a 15-year-old, when he hunted rabbits with his cousins on a ranch in Idaho, and last year, when he shot quail on a fenced game preserve in Georgia.

An aide said Wednesday that Romney was not trying to mislead anyone, although he confirmed Romney had been hunting only on those occasions in his life.

No attempt to mislead? You look a guy with an NRA hat in the face and tell him you've been a hunter all your life? Kerry got killed for shit that wasn't even close to this...

Between McCain's shopping excursion, Rudy's support for gov't-funded abortion, and Mitt "I'll Say Anything" Romney, I am really starting to like our chances in 08. Even if it's Hillary. These clowns are a fucking joke.


Anonymous said...

They're all taking pages from George W. Bush's anything-to-win playbook. He might be a slimy slug of a national leader, but hey, he won an election (not counting the one the Supremes gave him, of course).

I heard yesterday McCain is even naming fund-raisers who bring in the big bucks McCain 100's and McCain 200's, short for hundreds of thousands, just like Bush pioneers and rangers.

What makes that notable is that McCain apparently criticized Bush heavily in 2000 for doing that.

Remember, kiddies, in Republicanland, it's not how you play the game, but whether you win or lose that counts. And that's all that counts.

Mike said...

The current Administration proves, however, that proper rifle/shotgun skills are NOT required.

In fact, you can be a misfiring MoFo and they'll cover your ass well enough to protect from wayward buckshot.