Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Democrat's Carrot

Steve Soto has a great idea:
That’s right; instead of letting the GOP have the whole debate about how dividend and capital gains tax cuts somehow help us all, why not bring back the consumer interest tax deduction, something that will actually provide tax relief to a vast majority of the population that is living paycheck to paycheck? Let the GOP argue why it is more important to keep giving the capital gains tax cut and dividend tax cut to the wealthiest one percent on the false promise of job growth, something that can be immediately refuted, instead of letting everyone else who has loads of accumulated consumer and credit card debt get something for it.

Sounds good to me! Go read the whole thing. I'd like to see an economist tell us whether this is a good idea or not.

1 comment:

Mr Furious said...

"And tax policy isn't the only issue we've ceded to the Republicans in the War of the Words...."

Uh, it's kind of been like an unconditional surrender across all fronts. Republicans have a few key points that they can point to for each of their various "bases" and it keeps 'em loyal. The Dems are a mess, trying to be all things to all people.