Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stupidest Post of the Day

If you had a problem with the Republican response the other night, it's not because supposed GOP bright light Bobby Jindal gave a staggerly weak, utterly empty, intellectually vacuous list of stale GOP talking points in between completely irrelevant and confusing personal anecdotes in the style of Fred Rogers...

It's because he has brown skin, and you aren't dealing with the deep racism you're harboring.

So declares Ann Althouse. Who never met a pair of pajamas or a carton of orange juice that didn't have devious psychological implications.

UPDATE: Althouse doubles down.


Noah said...

Clearly, she is not laid enough, nor has she dealt with her own racist issues.

Or both. If ya know what I mean...say no more...

Anonymous said...

I sense a manifestation of menopausal neurosis in Althouse's writing. Of course, that's not to say she hasn't been crazy as hell all along.

steves said...

I think she is being overly sensitive, but I have seen plenty of other people that are pretty free and easy with the "r" word when they don't like the way a person characterizes their guy (or gal).