Thursday, September 25, 2008

Late Night Awesome

Don't leave Dave Letterman holding the bag and expect him to cover for you...

John McCain gambles and loses AGAIN. He cancels on Letterman, telling him "he's needed immediately in Washington and the campaign is suspended"...then he goes down the street and tapes an interview with Katie Couric.

Bad move.

Letterman leads the show with five solid minutes of just wailing on McCain, and then brings in Keith Olbermann to fill the time!

Which video is going to be passed around the internet and watched by more people? Letterman's drubbing or Couric's foot massage?

I don't think that's even close...

UPDATE: This morning on ABC News radio: A wrap-up story on Letterman hammering McCain, including a clip; zero coverage of Couric interview.


Rickey said...

This is no time for frivolous late night talk show appearances! Now is the time for 10 minute softball interviews with inconsequential news anchors!

Mr Furious said...

Oh, it's excellent...Letterman hammers him on the stupidity of the stunt, the incompetence of Palin—over AND over, McCain;s duplicity and even gets some good age cracks in.

It was a bloodbath.

Noah said...

Now is the time for 10 minute softball interviews with inconsequential news anchors!

Canceled the most-wathced evening show interview for an interview instead with America's 4th-string news anchor.

Suspending the campaign. Suggesting that the debate get suspended and instead doing it at the time of the VP debate (to give extra time to prep a woefully unprepared VP candidate).

Desperation anyone?

Angelos said...

I think Ferguson was even better: