Saturday, October 20, 2007

We Interupt This ALCS...

...For a political post I started earlier in the week. Not to worry, there'll be more Sox posts to come. I can feel it.

Let's start with this great quote from a reader at Andrew Sullivan's...
If worst comes to worst, we might get a president like Hillary, who is that girl nobody really likes but everyone wants in their project group anyways because they know she is smart and will do all the work.

Yeah, that's probably true, and I could live with that. There's no doubt that Hillary is preferable to any possible Republican candidate and would be a dramatic shift form the previous Administration. But she is locking horns with Biden for the last Democrat I actually would personally want in the Oval Office. I have a whole host of specific issues and complaints about Hillary, and I'll get into them at some point, but it really boils down to this: Change. Or, in Hillary's case, lack thereof...

I want change. I want as much change as possible—not just Anybody But Bush. She's too much "more of the same." More Washington insider. More DLC. More triangulation. More retreads hanging on from the 90s. More Chris Matthews and everyone else and their bullshit—and they're the "liberal" media.

Hillary as President will mean that two families have been in the White House in some capacity for 32 years (starting with Poppy as VP). Even if she were a great candidate, I don't think I could get excited about her for that reason alone. And she is NOT a great candidate. In fact, she's far worse as a candidate than she actually will be as a President.

And by crappy candidate, I don't mean crappy campaigner—she has exceeded expectations there—I worry about her negative impact based only on who she is. Candidate Clinton could actually rally Republicans to turn out for whichever chump they nominate. Enough to cost us the White House? I don't want to find out. But she will also hurt down-ticket as well. Every Republican motivated solely to vote against Hillary will also vote Republican down the line. I want those people staying home. We need to increase our hold on Congress, not slip.


Toast said...

I don't want Hillary either. And I sure as shit don't want Obama. I'd take Edwards over either of them. Of course, the sad fact is that Chris Dodd would make the best president out of any of the Dem field, and he hasn't really got a shot.

michelline said...

Yeah, I don't think that there's a shot of getting anyone elected that I would actually feel excited about. I'll admit I like the idea of Hillary pissing off the haters, and there are a LOT of Hillary haters down here. I'm at the point where I just want the neocons gone. I'll take what I can get.

angie said...

I really want a female president and for the most part I like Hillary. There are things I don't like...but I can live with her. I do worry about her electability and her effect on congress. Who knows...Let's just hope we win the trifecta in 09.